A Midsummer Night's Dream

By William Shakespear
Artist: R. Klezienė
Unce upon a time a strange story happened in ancient greece. Nobody know it was reality or just a dream?
Four unhappy lovers were walking along the woods near Athens in midsummer night. They couldn't imagine about magical elfs and forest spirits living in the great king's Oberin's and the queen's Titanja's country.
Ritonė Kležienė was first to make beloved
W.Shakespear's komedy "A midsummer Night's dream" on stage with non-traditional dolls. With her help everyone will have a chance to visit magical elfs, fairies, gnoms ir colourful ilision land.
The story is full of fantasy, mischief which brings surprises , dreams to all.
Artist: R. Klezienė
Unce upon a time a strange story happened in ancient greece. Nobody know it was reality or just a dream?
Four unhappy lovers were walking along the woods near Athens in midsummer night. They couldn't imagine about magical elfs and forest spirits living in the great king's Oberin's and the queen's Titanja's country.
Ritonė Kležienė was first to make beloved
W.Shakespear's komedy "A midsummer Night's dream" on stage with non-traditional dolls. With her help everyone will have a chance to visit magical elfs, fairies, gnoms ir colourful ilision land.
The story is full of fantasy, mischief which brings surprises , dreams to all.